Death At the Manor 2 – The End (Pages 31 – end)




As I suspected, the person to die is the lady of the house, Mrs Delphine Denford. Then Joan thinks that there is something wrong in her death even though the doctor said that Mrs Denford died of natural causes. One thing that is strange is that the night before Mrs Denford’s death, she got sick, and when Joan went to help her brother get her into bed, he and Miss Cleo asked for some cocoa. However, the next day both cups were back in the kitchen, clean, dried and in the cupboard. Then there is an episode in which Joan came across Delphine on the stairs, she had exclaimed that she didn’t know what to do.

Joan then meets her friend Verity, and they start talking about Mrs Denford’s death. In Somerset House Verity discovers that Delphine has left almost everything to her husband. She is also interested to know where in Africa her brother lived, and she discovers that there are some berries that make people sick until they die.

In the end Verity and Joan discover that Mr Denford and John, the brother, killed Mrs Denford because they are lovers and wanted her money. So they go to the police and tell them about what they have discovered and the two men are arrested.

The novella was nice, but since it was too brief, there was little opportunity to get attached to the characters or know much about them before everything happened.

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