Kind of Cruel 7 (Pages 244 – 324)



Oh my! It seems that Jo is the killer. When Charlie enquires about Little Orchard, she discovers that she is the owner, but why then did she keep it from her family? Charlie is inclined to think that she wanted to keep how well off she was, so that everybody thought that her good deeds were even more admirable.

Simon asks Charlie to book the house for this weekend, and she will go there because Jo doesn’t know her. Charlie agrees reluctantly. Then Simon and Amber go to the hypnotist, but that session doesn’t go well either. Ginny wants Amber to tell her what secret she keeps from Luke, and Amber rebels and wants her to tell her one secret of her own. Ginny tells her and Simon to go. In the car Simon and Amber talk, and they finally confess that they suspect Jo. Simon says that the reason why Amber can sleep now that she is in Jo’s mother’s house is not because she feels safe with a policeman posted outside the house, but because she knows that Jo wouldn’t damage her mother’s house.

Charlie is already in the house, and Simon tells Amber that they will drive there now. IN Little Orchard Charlie hears the doorbell, but even though Simon has called to tell her that he and Amber are coming over, she knows it can’t be them. When she opens the door, Olivia is there. Simon told her where Charlie was, and Olivia says she has information about the crimes. The day before she tried to tell Sam but he didn’t treat her well. The reason why she hasn’t told Chris Gibbs is because her finding out what he couldn’t would humiliate her.

What Olivia has found out is about Kat Allen. When she heard about the woman, she thought that her having taken part in some films as a child and her being a teacher now could have some connection. So Olivia called the school where Kat had working, and claiming that she was Sergeant Kombothekra, she discovered that Kat was in charge of the drama department. For the costumes Kat used a friend of hers who had a shop in the town where she comes from. So Olivia called the friend, and she confirmed that Jo had hired a costume of fireman, and when she picked up the costume, Kat was there. Aparently, Kat knew Jo from somewhere and they exchanged some words. So Jo rented the costume which she used to take Nonie and Dinah out of the house, and then she torched the place, killing Sharon. What Charlie wonders is why Jo killed Kat two years after Sharon if what she feared was that Kat would identify her. Another thing is that when Kat was killed, Jo was taken Amber’s place in the drive awareness course. So that means that she sent someone to kill Kat.

Apart from that, I liked a scene between Simon and Charlie. Simon is getting tired of Charlie getting jealous whenever he mentions a woman. Simon is angry as he tells her that he isn’t interested in anybody but her, and he loves her. Then he confesses something strange. The reason why they don’t make love is not because he doesn’t enjoy the act or isn’t attracted to her. What he feels when they are intimate is that he is doing something shameful in public even if the public is Charlie, the person he is making love to. He also feels that satisfying himself also makes him feel like a pervert. Charlie is shocked but she also understands that this comes from the way he was raised by his strange parents. At least, I think Charlie now understands she is not the problem, and maybe that is the first step to solve their problems.

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