Death Wish 2 (Chapters 4 – 18)




Oh my! Bev is pregnant. I’m so glad! She still hasn’t told people, and the only person I think knows about it is her friend Frankie. What I don’t like is that she seems to be planning to murder Curran. She is trying to find different methods online. I really hope that this time Bev has her baby and focuses on him/her and forgets about her revenge.

At work Bev is quite busy. The man who was threatening his wife jumped from the balcony and killed himself. The police think it was accidental or a suicide. I don’t know if this has any connection to the other cases. There has been another alleged suicide. It is Hilary Cash, a woman who had also lost her husband recently when he had an accident, falling from a ladder when he was checking the roof tiles. Hilary’s daughter, Sally found her. Bev, Mac and PC Stacey Hardy to there, and Sally shows Bev the note her mother left, and she believes that her mother wouldn’t have committed suicide or written something like that. We know that Hilary didn’t commit suicide because earlier in the book there is a scene in which Hilary wakes up and realises that someone is pressing a pillow on her face. So she has been killed, and the murderer is clever enough to make it look like suicide and he/she hasn’t left any evidence behind.

Bev and Mac have to leave Sally because a body has been found. It is a young woman whose hair has been cut very short. The rotting body was covered by sacking and was found near a dilapidated old school. Dr Joe King, the new pathologist, calls Bev to tell her that a razor was found in her body after this young woman was assaulted sexually. They don’t have an identification, and what Mike Powell wants to know how a young woman in her teens hasn’t been reported missing when this woman has been dead for weeks. Then the following day Bev and her unit are searching the place, and a uniformed police find the long, blonde plait of the woman. It is not clear whether the murderer dropped it there by accident or if they did it on purpose.

Mike Powell tells Bev to be at the press conference as he has some personal matter to attend to. There are not many journalists, and one of them is a young journalist, Summer Raynes, who the day before called Bev and tried to get information out of her by blackmailing her. The woman knew about the razor even though that hadn’t been revealed to the press. Now at the press conference Summer makes a reference to the blonde plait found. So when the press conference finishes, Bev approaches her, and Summer admits that someone has been calling her, telling her about the razor and the plait. So Bev persuades her to talk to the police because the person calling her could be the killer.

Mac can’t stay at the station because Mac, who she sent to find some of the homeless people dossing down in the school, has found one man, and he is dead. He has also been murdered, and it is a horrible sight. He is lying among rubbish, dirt, and vermin, and Bev is disgusted to see that the man’s eyes have been gouged out. Mac had already warned her. When she rejoins Mac outside, he points at a supermarket trolley, and Bev realises that the man’s eyes are in the trolley.

I wonder who the killer is. Could the murderer be connected with the alleged suicides?

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