New Book – The Cornish Coast Murder by John Bude (Pages 1 – 27)


First Published: 1935

Reverend Dodd has been the vicar in Boswawen for a long time.

He and the local doctor, Pendrill, meet regularly for dinner at the vicarage. Even though the two men do not share the same creed – Pendrill is agnostic -, they have a hobby in common: detective novels. Dodd likes to use deduction in his everyday life, surprising his parishioners.

Dodd and Pendrill talk about some of the neighbours. One person they mention is Ronald Hardy, who is a lonely bachelor and fought the Great War. Ronald is now writing a book, which seems to help him from his periods of depression. Dodd and Pendrill also say that Ronald has lately been seen in the company of Ruth Tregarthan, and Dodd says that it would be good for Donald if he and Ruth were to marry.

After dinner, the telephone rings, asking for Pendrill. It is Ruth Tregarthan, who tells him that her uncle Julius has been shot and is dead. Pendrill then drives to the house where Ruth and her uncle have lived together since Ruth’s parents died, and he was appointed her guardian.

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