A Sudden Fearful Death 7 (Pages 417 – 431)



The trial continues and Taunton is called to testify. Oliver asks him about his attack on the man who cheated him in the billiards game. Taunton is uncomfortable, but he insists that he didn’t kill Prudence.

Oliver knows that he is losing the trial. This will cost Sir Herbert his life, and his reputation will suffer.

I still don’t know who the killer could. One of the people who have testified is Lady Berenice Ross Gilbert, and I don’t know why, but I suspect her. When Oliver questioned her, she started to fumble for words, especially when she was asked about the relationship between Sir Herbert and Prudence. We still need to know the motive, but I think that Prudence discovered something that she meant to report. Maybe the abortions that Dr Beck performed. Maybe he is innocent, but what about the woman who helped him?

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