The Point of Rescue 5 (Pages 142 – 188)



Sally removes the frames from the photographs, and she discovers that there are two tiny photographs of a woman and a girl. The girl is wearing the same clothes as Lucy is wearing in the photograph. Sally talks to her friend Esther and confesses everything. Esther is shocked by the fact that Sally has risked her marriage and family for a man she didn’t know. Esther thinks that Sally should go to the police, but Sally is afraid of losing her husband. When Sally describes the photographs and the clothes that both Lucy and the unknown girl in the other picture are wearing, Esther thinks that it could be a school uniform. Sally feels silly for not realising. From what she remembers about what the fake Mark told her, she knows that Lucy attends a Montessori school. When she checks the school website, she confirms that it is the school uniform.

Sally then decides to visit the school, and she talks to the headmistress’s secretary. The story she tells her is that she fond a handbag inside which there were these two photographs and a large amount of money, so she wants to contact the person who owns the bag. The secretary says that the girl isn’t a student, but taking the photographs, she goes in search of the headmistress, and when she is gone ten minutes, Sally goes after her, but the schools is gigantic. As she tries to make her way among students, she bumps into a teacher, and since Sally looks so much like Geraldine, the topic is easy to come up. The teacher then tells her that she doesn’t believe Geraldine killed Lucy, and then the teacher breaks down and starts wailing.

Simon finally plucks up the courage to to to Charlie’s flat. Charlie is both glad and scared. Her walls are bare since she has tried to keep busy by stripping her walls and floors. It is interesting how the state of her home reflects how Charlie feels. When Simon tries to find out why she stopped talking  to him, she refuses to go through the matter. Simon then sticks to telling her about the case. He shows her the cards that Geraldine and Mark exchanged for their tenth anniversary, and they both agree that they are too formal for a couple who have spent ten years together, and one would expect a joke or something silly. Then Simon tells her about Professor Habard, the expert the CID has hired, and this professor claims that women commit familicide because they feel they want for nothing, and her frustrations turn to their children as a sort of revenge. Simon thinks that his theory is just rubbish, and what he plans to do is visit the professor’s co-author, Jonathan Fey, to see if he shares his point of view. Simon wants Charlie to go with him, but she is reluctant to agree. All she wants now is to order some food because she is famished, and then when she asks Simon what he wants, he simply says he wants to marry her, and in a soft voice he adds that he thinks she should know. Oh my!!! What is going to happen between them now? Charlie has been in love with Simon for as long as she has known him, but Simon has always been indifferent to her. I wonder if Charlie will let herself be loved by Simon, or maybe she will afraid to be hurt.

After Sally’s visit, Mark has called Sam and told him about her, and how this means that his wife and daughter were murdered. Sam is still sceptical, but Mark insists he find the woman, and he should give a press conference to appeal for people’s help to locate the woman. Oh my. It seems that Sally might find herself in the situation that she wanted to avoid at all costs.

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