Tremarnock 3 (Pages 190 – 204)



Poor Liz and Rosie! After the struggle to gather the money for Rosie’s trip to London, she now gets sick when she was enjoying herself in London. Liz is called, saying that Rosie had a bad turn and has been taken to a hospital. Now she is on her way to a hospital in Plymouth where some more tests will be carried out.

When Liz gets the call, she naturally is frantic with worry. Kasya, her boss in the cleaning job she has, drives her to the hospital. After waiting for a while, Rosie arrives, and Liz can’t wait to hold her in a tight embrace. She can see that part of her daughter’s mouth droops and when she smiles, half of her mouth won’t move up. The doctor says that she might have had a stroke, but they need to do some more tests. Some hours later the doctor confirms that Rosie had a ministroke, and they need to transfer her to Bristol to be treated and have some more tests.

Poor Rosie!!! Poor Liz!!! I really hope that she will be okay.

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