The Spy at the Window 2 (Pages 16 – 87)


Justice discovers that there are significant changes in the school. First, the headmistress tells all the students that the French teacher, Monsieur Pierre, won’t be with them because he is fighting the war. And the most significant change is that the boys from St Wilfred’s school will be moving here. The boys will be on the first floor, and there won’t be any contact between boys and girls. There are a few other announcements. Dorothy, who is now studying in the school thanks to the generosity of Justice’s father, is now the head girl, and Justice is chosen as sports head.

After the first days, Miss De Vere decides that this no-contact policy is not right, and she tells Justice to prepare some event for the fifth-form students of both schools with her counterpart. The sports head in St Wilfred is called Henry Anderson, who is not very good at sports like Justice. He and Justice hit it off, and he tells her that he is often the butt of mockery from some of the boys, especially one called Jonathan Carrington, who has taken a liking to Rose. The two of them decide that it will be a good idea to prepare a rounders game, which brings boys and girls together.

Like every year, Justice soon discovers some mysterious circumstances that she needs to investigate. First, she is told that in the south turret Dorothy heard some music and when she walked into the room, there was a radio on. Apart from that, another mystery concerns Mr Hoffman, who is the boys’ teacher, and he was heard talking in a foreign language, and Justice thinks that he may be German, but the other girls tell her that he may simply be speaking to his mother. And when they were preparing the rounders event, Henry and Justice saw a face outside the window in the turret, but the face disappeared instantly, and when they went to see, they couldn’t understand how someone could stand outside when the room was on the third floor. There is a ledge outside the window, but they don’t know where the person went and how he could have gone so quickly.

Apart from these mysteries, Justice receives bad news twice. First, Miss De Vere informs the students that Monsieur Pierre has been killed in action in France and is a hero. Some days later Justice is called by MIss De Vere, and she learns that her father has disappeared. Apparently, he was involved in espionage, and now his empty car has been found in an aerodrome, but nobody knows where he is. Justice is very worried and tells Dorothy, and she suggests they have a look at the car. To do that, Dorothy, who has learnt to drive in summer, volunteers to drive there, using Miss Morris’s car. So they manage to go there, and they find the car. Justice searches the car and finds a book by Shakespeare, and she thinks that the underlined quotation is a clue that her dad has left.

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