A Steep Price 4 – The End (Pages 185 – end)



This was a fascinating book like the others in the series.

Tracy and Kins manage to track Vita thanks to Iditi’s phone, and they find her dead body in a hole in a public park. After that, they learn some secrets about Vita. After her parents refused to pay for her studies, Vita started working in a clothing shop but that was not enough. One of the other girls told her about sugar daddy sites, which implemented dating between rich men and beautiful, young women and there was an exchange of money.

Tracy and Kins talk to the man who Vita was dating regularly, but he claims that he left the hotel before Vita, and he didn’t see her again. Kins and Tracy even suspect Iditi because she may have killed her friend out of jealousy. In the end they discover that Vita’s mother had access to her daughter’s mobile and she knew about the dating. It was the woman who killed her daughter, but what Tracy and Kins can’t know for sure is if she was the one to kill her or her eldest son did. The young man tries to kill himself when Kins tries to talk to him, and it is thanks to Sam, the younger brother, that he puts down the knife. Vita’s mother claims that she did kill her daughter because it was a shame for the family, and nobody else was involved, but Tracy and Kins know that the woman couldn’t have carried Vita to the hole on her own. So both mother and son are arrested.

In the case of the shooting, when Del gets his back, it is only Faz in the office. When the prints on the car are identified and the man is identified as Eduardo Lopez, Faz takes Andrea Gonzalez with him. When they reach the apartment, they hear sounds but they seem to come from the next-door flat. Faz and Andrea stand on both sides of the flat, and when Andrea is about to knock on the door, her face shows surprise above Faz’s shoulder, and she calls ‘gun’ before she shoots. Behind Faz there was Lopez, and now he is dead on the floor. With the noise of the shots Faz is left momentarily deaf, and Andrea goes to the next-door flat. When Faz feels better, he checks on Lopez and is dead, but there is no gun on him, just a phone. Next door there is a woman and Andrea talks to her in Spanish and is trying to calm her down.

Faz and Andrea are questioned by an agent from the police investigation, which is the usual procedure. When the agent keeps asking the same over and over again, he gets annoyed. Del later tells him that his account doesn’t match Andrea’s, and the witness, the woman, backs Andrea’s account. Apparently, Andrea claims that it was Faz who cried ‘Gun’, and not her. Faz swears to Del that isn’t the truth. While Faz is suspended for a few days, Del tries to find out more about Gonzalez. After he goes to talk to the witness, the woman admits that Andrea told her to tell the police that she had heard a man yelling ‘gun’, but she had been so nervous that she doesn’t remember who she heard. She also says that Lopez was in her apartment because they were friends, and before the police came, Lopez was talking on the phone and heard someone bang on his door. After that, he went to the window to see whoever had knocked leave. Then he tries to get information from her in LA, and an agent from the anti-drug squad calls, telling him to stop asking about Andrea.

Faz can’t keep still, and he decides to follow Andrea. She stops at a fair and he sees her talk to the man he and Andrea saw in Lopez’s building. After they part ways, Faz follows her and sees the same care he saw Little Jimmy drive, so he follows. In the store where the man gets Faz finds himself trapped. Little Jimmy appears and Faz realises that he is in danger of death. So he tries to talk his way out, saying that killing a policeman would be bad for Little Jimmy’s relationship with his partners in drug dealing. Thankfully, when Faz cannot be contacted, Vera calls Del, and they manage to locate his phone, and Faz is found alive and all the men there arrested.

It turns out that Andrea is an undercover agent, and when Faz and Del started investigating the shooting, the operation she was working on was in danger, so that is why she was assigned to the A team. The objective was to get Little Jimmy and his men, and that is why it was imperative for her to protect herself and lie about the circumstances when she killed Lopez.

The last chapter of the book takes place in December 2018, five months later. Tracy has given birth to a baby girl, who she and Dan decide to name Daniella Sara. Her team visit her, including Vera, who is undergoing treatment for her cancer, but it seems that she is going to be fine.

Another great novel featuring Tracy and her team. I’m glad that we are getting to know more about the members of her team. I love Faz and Del and their close relationship as colleagues and friends.

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