Close To Home 5 (Pages  273 – 302)


This is getting better and better, and the two mysteries now are linked.

Del and Faz get a call. Jack Welch has been found dead alongside a girlfriend. Both of them have overdosed, and the same type of drug is found. Del and Faz get back to Evans, the drug dealer, and he surprises them by saying that the person who supplies him the drugs told him that Trejo, the navy officer, ran over the boy when he was delivering some drugs. Evans wants a deal with the prosecutor, and Del and Faz bring in Cerrabone and Celia McDaniel.

At the same time Tracy has been followed Trejo once he has been released from prison. The man drives to a park, and Tracy has to leave her car at a distance so that he won’t spot her. When she enters the park, Trejo is nowhere to be seen, so she has to guess where he has gone. At some point she hears a pop sound and thinks that she has been shot at, and hides. When nothing else happens, she sees the figure of a man sitting at a picnic table with his head on the table, and when she approaches, she realises that it is Trejo, blood coming out of his head and a gun lying next to him. The police of Penberton are called and Tracy talks to the detective about what she was doing when she was following Trejo. Tracy believes that Trejo didn’t kill himself and there is some underhand business involved here. When Del calls her about what Evans says, she is more certain that Trejo has been murdered because of what he could reveal. Evans has revealed that his drug supplier was Erik Tseng, who knew about the spot to leave the car. What that doesn’t prove is what happened to the videotape and who took it.

Apart from the case, Del has gradually become closer to Celia McDaniel, the prosecutor, and now they have embarked in a relationship. In the other books there was not much about Del other than his police work, but in this novel his character is enriched, and as Celia says, he is a good man.

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