The Trapped Girl – Characters


Regular characters or reference characters:

  • Tracy Crosswhite (43) is the main character. Tracy used to be a chemistry teacher in high school but when her sister disappeared, she retrained and became a policeman. Tracy married her boyfriend, Ben, but they divorced when Tracy became obsessed with her sister’s disappearance. In the first book of the series after Sarah’s grave was found, Tracy thought that the man convicted for the crime was not the real culprit and a procedure started with new evidence about the irregularities of the first trial. Tracy finally learnt that she was wrong and the man was guilty and she almost got killed. Tracy started a relationship with Dan O’Leary, her childhood friend, when they got reacquainted in the first book. In this novel he proposes to her and they get married.
  • Dan O’Leary (43) is Tracy’s childhood friend. Dan moved out of Cedar Grove before Sarah’s kidnapping. He became a lawyer and got married. When his wife cheated on him with his partner, Dan returned to his childhood town to look after his mother and start a new life. Dan’s mother died, and he made life in Cedar Grove. Dan took the case of Edmund House after Tracy told him about the irregularities in the trial. After that, Dan and Tracy started a relationship and in this book he proposes to her and they get married.
  • Kinsington (Kins) Rowe (41) is Tracy’s partner, and the detective Tracy trusts the most. He is married and has three children, and in the previous book his marriage went through a bad patch and he even considered having an affair with Santos, the profiler, but nothing happened, and he decided to fight for his marriage.
  • Vic Fazzio (Faz) is one of the men in Tracy’s A-team. He is Italian and boasts about it. He is married and have children.
  • Delmo Castigliano (Del) is another of Tracy’s partners. He is divorced, and he and Faz are partners.
  • Johnny Nolasco is the captain of the Violent Crimes Section, so he is Tracy’s boss. He is not very nice to her because years ago when they were both training to be cops, he was instructed to search her, and Nolasco grabbed her breasts and Tracy slapped him. Now Nolasco is the boss, and he is continuously putting her down. Johnny thinks that Tracy is trying a way to humiliate him, and he goes against her all the time. In a previous book Tracy discovered that ten years ago Nolasco and his partner manipulated an investigation and an innocent man was convicted. Now there is an ongoing investigation into Nolasco’s cases.
  • Rick Cerrabone is the senior prosecuting attorney.
  • Detective Sergeant Billy Williams is another detective in the Seattle police.
  • Bennett Lee is the public information officer.
  • Stuart Funk is a medical examiner.
  • Mike Melton is from the crime lab and helps Tracy by providing her the DNA for the dead woman so that she can have it tested and find out if the woman is really Andrea Strickland.
  • Maria Vanpelt is a reporter who is always after morbid news. Tracy doesn’t like her, and Nolasco leaks information to her when he wants to damage Tracy in her work or personally.
  • Shannah Rowe is Kins’s wife.
  • Vera Fazzio is Faz’s wife.
  • Antonio Fazzio is Faz’s son.
  • Roger is Tracy’s cat.
  • Rex and Sherlock are Dan’s dogs.
  • Kelly Rose is the forensic anthropologist that helps Tracy in the case.
  • Kaylee Wright is a crime-scene analyst.
  • Ron Mayweather is the fifth wheel in the A-team.
  • Donald Frick is the pathologist.
  • Amanda Santos is an FBI profiler. In the last book Tracy discovered her and Fins having lunch when he was supposed to be having a meeting with his child’s teacher. Fins confessed that he felt attracted to Amanda and liked her, but nothing happened between them.
  • Andrew Laub is the lieutenant in Tracy’s unit.
  • Chief Sandy Clarridges is Tracy and Nolasco’s superior.
  • Stephen Martinez is the assistant chief of criminal investigation.
  • Floyd Hattie used to be Nolasco’s partner.
  • Edmund House is the man who kidnapped and killed Sarah.
  • Sarah Crosswhite was Tracy’s sister, who disappeared at the age of eighteen when she was driving home after a shooting competition. Her car broke down (Edmund had tampered with it) and she started to walk home, and Edmund then kidnapped her. Sarah was kept captive for seven weeks, but Edmund killed her when he found himself against the ropes when the sheriff pinned the blame on her. Sarah’s body was found twenty years later
  • James Crosswhite was Tracy and Sarah’s father. He was a doctor and an honest citizen. When Roy told him about having no evidence to send House to prison, he eventually agreed to be involved in the fabrication of evidence. Roy killed himself when the pain of losing his daughter was too much.
  • Amy Crosswhite was Tracy and Sarah’s mother
  • Ben is Tracy’s ex-husband.

Characters in this book:

  • Andrea Strickland (24) is the main character in this case. She got married and realised that her husband was not good when he pestered her to give him money from the trust her parents had left her when they died. Andrea decided to disappear when she discovered that Graham cheated on her and he hit her. Then she also found out she was pregnant. So she transferred her money to an account under a fake name, and then when she and Graham were in a national park to climb a mount, she disappeared in the night, and Graham was suspected of killing her. The woman found in the trap is thought to be Andrea at first, but Tracy discovers that it is actually her friend, and in the end she finds Andrea and saves her from being murdered by the man who killed her friend, Devin.
  • Stan Fields is the detective who was in charge of the investigation into Andrea’s disappearance. When he discovered that there was a trust of half a million dollars, which nobody would get, he planned to get it himself. To do that, he got rid of Devin, who was also after the money, and he also killed the woman who Graham was dating, so that the man would go to jail for life. Tracy discovers the truth when they find Andrea’s whereabouts, and when the man chases Andrea and Penny in the mountains, intending to kill them, Tracy manages to follow and shoots him dead.
  • Graham Strickland (28) is Andrea’s husband. He is greedy and a bully. He is a lawyer but he tells Andrea that they should open a dispensary, and even though Andrea thinks it is not a good idea, she eventually agrees. Graham is a con and lies to get a loan from the bank, and he even forges Andrea’s signature. When Andrea disappears, he is suspected, but there was no evidence against him. When the woman he was dating is killed in his apartment, he confesses that he and Devin, who he was having an affair with, thought Andrea could die in the mountains, but he says he didn’t do it in the end.
  • Devin Chambers worked with Andrea and was her friend. Yet, the woman started an affair with Graham, and after learning about Andrea’s trust, she and Graham plotted to get their hands on the money. When Andrea disappears, Devin goes away, and using the fake name that she discovered Andrea was using, she intended to get hold of the money. Yet, she was murdered when she was discovered by the detective Stan Fields.
  • Penny Orr is Andrea’s aunt. The woman took her in when Andrea’s parents died in a car crash. However, Andrea was removed from her care when the counsellor discovered that she was being abused by Penny’s husband. Some time later Andrea returned to her, and when she was 18, she left for Portland. Tracy discovers that Penny helped Andrea to fake her disappearance.
  • Alan Townsend was Andrea’s counsellor when she was living with her aunt.
  • Captain Jessup is from Pierce County police and he reports Tracy when Stan thinks that Tracy has been investigating the case and it was not her jurisdiction.
  • Glenn Hicks is the district ranger in the national park, who was involved in the search party when Andrea disappeared.
  • Brenda Berg was Andrea’s boss in the insurance company. She is in her forties and has a baby, and when Tracy talks to her, she starts considering becoming a mother even though she is already 43.
  • Kurt Schill is the young man who finds the body of a woman in a crap pot when he was checking it.
  • Dr Yee Wu is the plastic surgeon who operated on the woman found dead. He provides a name for the woman, but Tracy realises that it is a fake name, and from the procedures the woman underwent, Tracy concludes that this woman was on the run.
  • Hernik Engvaldson is the man in the office where Andrea got her fake driving licence.
  • Phil Montgomery is Graham’s lawyer.
  • Kevin Gonzalez is the manager in the bank where Andrea opened the accounts under her fake name.
  • Ian Nikolic is the skip tracer that Fazz uses to find out more about Andrea and her disappearing act.
  • Marta Nikolic is Ian’s wife.
  • Alison McCabe is Devin’s sister. The woman tells Kins that her sister was a con and they fell out when she took money from her.
  • Megan Chen is the woman who Graham was dating and was also killed by Fields.

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