The Trapped Girl 2 (Pages 96 – 155)


Tracy and Kins talk to the detective in charge of the investigation into the disappearance of Andrea. The detective, Stan Fields, who Tracy doesn’t like a bit, tells them that there were reasonable grounds to suspect the husband. Andrea has taken out a life insurance in favour of Graham, but in the event of his death the same didn’t apply to him. Apart from that, Andrea’s boss told him that they had marital problems because Graham was bankrupt after his business failed, and the bank had sued him for forging a document guaranteeing that he was to be made partner in his firm. Andrea also told the boss that Graham had hit her and cheated on her.

When Tracy and Kins go to talk to Graham, his lawyer is present. Graham says that he is shocked because he thought that Andrea had died in the mountains. He explains that they decided to climb Liberty Ridge because it is true that they were having marital problems, and they thought that doing something they liked together would brought them closer. When Tracy mentions that his wife had a faked identity, Graham says that he had no idea of those plans of hers. He also says that Andrea had been left a trust by her parents, but the money is gone, and he doesn’t know what has happened to it. In the parts from Andrea’s point of view we discover that she went to the bank, under the identity of Lynn Hoff, and she opened two accounts, and I imagine that it is here where she transferred the money from the trust. I am curious to discover what Andrea planned and what happened to her. Did Graham really kill him? If it wasn’t him, then who?

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