The Trapped Girl 3 (Pages 155 – 247)


There is something alarming when Del and Faz talk to the bank manager where Andrea opened the accounts under a fake name. The money which clearly came from the trust was transferred and that account closed, but the strange thing is that it was done the day after Andrea’s body was found. The transaction was done online, but the person who did it knew Andrea’s details as well as her passwords.

When Tracy can see that they are having a breakthrough, Nolasco comes, saying that the case has been returned to the jurisdiction of Tacoma. Tracy protests, but there is nothing she can do as the order comes from her superiors.

That doesn’t stop her from investigating in her own terms. When Dan goes to LA, she goes with him, and while he is working, he goes to see Andrea’s aunt. The woman, Penny, tells her that Andrea came to live with her when she was 13, but she was removed when her counsellor realised that she was being sexually abused. Penny feels terrible that that happened under her roof. After the divorce, Andrea returned and seemed to be more shaken and nervous. Her refuge was the dozens of books she read. Then when she was 18, Penny returned and found a note from her niece, saying that she needed a change of scene. Andrea kept in touch, but Penny didn’t know she had married. Tracy asks if she can have her permission to have her counsellor’s records disclosed to her, and the woman agrees but she doesn’t want them to go public. Tracy goes to see Townsend, the counsellor, and he tells her that Andrea showed signs of dissociative disorder,which might become more explicit in her 20s, but he stopped treating her at 18.

Dazz also finds out something interesting from a skip tracer, someone who locates people who are missing for some reason. The man, Nikolic, tells him that someone using a guerilla email account contacted one of his mates, trying to locate Lynn Hoff, the identity Andrea used, and when the trail led nowhere. Then the person wanted to locate Devin, Andrea’s friend, and Nikolic has discovered that he moved and her address was located in Renton, where Andrea had plastic surgery. Yet, she moved from there, and the neighbours think that she went on a packaging tour in Europe. This can’t be coincidence. Tracy thinks that Devin is involved, especially as Nikolic also said that Devin’s sister cut ties with her because of her debts and money problems. Devin must have helped Andrea to fake her death and they were in it together, and she might be Andrea’s murderer.

In the flashbacks Andrea met Devin for a drink and tell her about her problems with Graham. At the end of the night when Devin was in the toilet and left her purse with Andrea, a ringtone went off, and Andrea noticed a second mobile phone, and the number calling was clearly Graham’s. Andrea grew suspicious and wondered if the times when she thought Graham was cheating on her, it was Devin she was with. So she plans to find out.

This is getting more perplexing, and I may be wrong, but maybe the woman whose body was found in the lake was not Andrea, but Devin. After all, that person had reconstructive surgery, so I imagine the police could have the identity wrong.

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