A Column of Fire 15 (Pages 763 – 803)


King Felipe has his armada ready to attack England. Margery believes that Catholicism is the true faith and for years she has help smuggle priests into the country, but she doesn’t want a foreign king to invade England. Bart is not of the same opinion, and he orders a load of weapons to be hidden in the old bakery’s oven. What he tells her is that he and other Catholic noblemen will rise up and help the reinstaurantion of the Catholic faith, and Margery realises that Rollo has been deceiving her for years.

Fearing for her sons, Margery knows she has to do something. So she thinks she will tell Ned, who is in Kingsbridge, but she doesn’t run into him. One day in the market she sees Sylvie, and they start talking, and before she goes, Margery tells Sylvie that Ned should know that there is a stash of weapons hidden in her home, and he should arrest Bart and her two sons. She would rather have them in prison than in a grave.

Ned then appears with the sheriff and after searching the place, they find the weapons. However, Bart puts up a fight, calling his men-at-arms, and Margery fears that this will end in tragedy. Then Bart suddenly collapses, and he dies, probably as a consequence of the excesses in his life.

The book then starts describing the attack of the Spanish armada and how the English plan a counterattack.

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