The Secrets Between Us 2 (Pages 49 – 98)


When Sophie returns to London, she tells her children the truth. Both of them react differently. Stuart, who is only fifteen, is shocked but also emotional. Duncan, though, reacts angrily. He is not only angry with his father but also with Sophie. For months Sophie bears in silence his mood but also her own feelings about Hugh. Then Duncan comes home announcing that he has volunteered for the RAF because he wants to fly planes. Sophie naturally doesn’t like the idea as the threat of war is hovering over them, but she tries to be supportive. When Viola Foster, her neighbour and friend, comes to tell her how she feels about Duncan joining the RAF, Sophie breaks down and tells her everything about Hugh. Viola is supportive, and then she tells her that she doesn’t think less of her, especially as she has no reason to pass judgement. Actually, Viola confesses to having a lover because her husband doesn’t satisfy her.

After Hugh’s funeral, Thea moves in with Rowan and Patrick in London. Because of the lack of money left by Hugh, Thea has to forfeit her dream to go to university and try to find a job. In London she realises that things are not going well for Rowan and her husband, and when Rowan sends her with a message to Simon, Thea knows that there is more than friendship between her sister and the man. Patrick discovers the affair, and he tells Rowan that he is leaving. Rowan loves Simon, and she is convinced that Simon loves her. I am not so sure. Everybody seems to think that Simon is selfish and isn’t the marrying kind, and in his attitude to Rowan I perceive that selfishness. I am afraid that Rowan is going to end up hurt.

As for Thea, she goes through several jobs, and she finally finds one delivering groceries. Then she meets a girl she befriends, Peggy Garland, and she decides to share a flat with her. So she moves out of her sister’s house even though Rowan is very upset about it.

All these events are full with references to the war which will break out soon. This will mean disruption for the characters, and I wonder how their lives will change. I am curious to know if the truth about Sophie will ever reach Thea and Rowan.

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