A Deadly Thaw 3 (Chapters 12 – 22)


Kat remembers that in the past her sister often went away and spent time in Whitby. Once Kat complained about not knowing where she was, and Lena scribbled an address on a piece of paper. That was years ago before Lena even got married, and Kat starts looking for the piece of paper and finally finds it. The next day she drives to Whitby and stands outside the address, which is of a holiday home, and she even calls the number of the agency, but she doesn’t get any information. The neighbour next door opens the door, and he says that for a moment he thought that she was Lena because Kat looks very much like her. The only thing that the neighbour says is that Lena used to come to the house next door regularly and was better than most holidaymakers, and the last time he saw her was years ago. The man is not very welcoming and doesn’t even tell Kat his name.

I think that the key to the mystery is in Whitby. Connie discovers that an elderly woman who was on a tour in Whitby reported to have seen Andrew Fisher there. Connie goes to see the lady, and Mrs Reynolds tells her that she is sure that the man was Andrew, but when she phoned the police, they treated her like an idiot, so she dropped the whole thing. Mrs Reynolds has known Andrew all her life because she and his mother were together in the Women’s Institute, and she believes that Pamela Fisher, his mother, surely knew that he was alive all this time.

After returning from Whitby, Kat is ready to start work. She is a therapist, and she rents a studio to receive her clients. While she is waiting for the first one, there is a knock at the door, and when she answers, it is a young man, who gives her a package and says that it comes from Lena. Before Kat can say anything else, the young man is gone. Her first client arrives, and Kat can’t contain her intrigue, so while the client gets settled in the room, she opens the package in the kitchen and is horrified to find a pistol.

Later in the day Kat can’t concentrate, and one of her favourite patients, Mark Astley, who has emotional problems because of his relationship with his mother, notices she is not herself. Breaking the rules as a therapist, Kat tells him about the package, and when Mark sees the pistol, he says that it is a German pistol from the Great War, and what she should do is get rid of it and tell the police.

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