New Book – A Deadly Thaw – DC Connie Childs 2 – by Sarah Ward (Chapters 1 – 2)

First Published: 2016

The novel starts with a woman and man in bed, and she complains when he grabs his mobile phone.

He says that he has too many things to see to, and he needs to check the mobile all the time. The man falls asleep, and the woman sees the light of the mobile illuminating the ceiling. Then she realises that there is another light coming from his jacket pocket, and she gets up and discovers another mobile. When she reads the contacts, she gets angry and grabbing a pillow, she presses it against his pillow.

The novel then shows DI Sadler and DC Childs in an old, dilapidated morgue where a body has been found. The pathologist, Bill Shields, comes to see the body, and he tells them that the man has been dead about 24 hours. When Bill goes, Francis surprises Connie by saying that he knows who the body is. It is Andrew Fisher, who he went to school with. The shocking thing is that Andrew was murdered in 2004, twelve years ago, suffocated by his wife, who confessed to the crime and served time in prison. So what does this mean? How could Andrew’s body reappear again in a state that shows that he hasn’t been dead for twelve years?

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