The Girl Who Kicked the Hornests’ Nest 5 (Pages 203 – 270)


Dr Jonasson visits Lisbeth and examines her. He talks to her and says that he is doing better, and they won’t be able to keep her in the hospital much longer. That means that she will be released to be taken to prison. When the doctor leaves, Lisbeth realises that there is something under her pillow, and she finds a linen bag with her handheld computer and charger. She wonders how she will get a connection, but she realises that there is a mobile in the air vent which will allow her to connect.

When she accesses the computer, there is a message from Mikael, instructing her where to go for a document he has written to her. Before doing that, she contacts her circle of hacker friends, and she tells them everything and what kind of trouble she is in. Then she opens Mikael’s document, and he describes what he, Armansky, Holger Palmgrem and Annika. Most of the things he tells her she already knows and how the government is against her.

The next day Lisbeth develops a fever and a terrible headache. Her doctor is worried, and she talks to Dr Jonasson, who agrees to be her doctor while her colleague is on holiday. The scan doesn’t show anything strange, but there is some shadowing around the bullet hole, so Dr Jonasson writes a report, explaining that Lisbeth’s condition has worsened and she shouldn’t be discharged until further notice. I don’t know if Lisbeth’s condition is real or whether she is pretending to be sicker than she is and the doctor is helping her.

Amansky has contacted a friend who is a director in the Security Police, and he tells him about what he and Blomkvist have discovered about Sapo. The director, Torsten Endlith, accepts to investigate because these are very serious allegations. So he assigns one of his best officers, Monika Figuerola, instructing her to be extra careful and discreet. Monika has her doubts about the allegations, but when she starts investigating, she discovers some strange things and inaccuracies.

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