A Girl Called Justice 5 – The End (Pages 103 – end)



The end of the book is quite eventful. Justice is worried about Helena and her attack even though Miss De Vere keeps saying that she is just sick. The only person she feels she can talk to is Dorothy, but when she goes to her room, there is a note saying that she has gone back to her mum. Justice knows that Dorothy didn’t write the note, so it means that the killer got to her.

Justiced tells Stella and they search the whole school, skipping classes after telling the teachers that they feel unwell. In their search they see Miss De Vere and Mr Pierre carrying boxes with electric material. Justice thinks that they are hiding something. That night when Justice is getting ready for bed, she notices that someone is making signs with a torch from the haunted turret, and she thinks it is Dorothy, so she decides to go and check. When she thinks the other girls are asleep, she sneaks out of bed, but she is caught, and Rose and the others want to know what is going on. Justice explains everything, and Rose demands they tell an adult, but Justice persuades them to let her go and if she doesn’t return in an hour, they will tell a teacher.

Justice sneaks out without problems and when she stands before the turret, someone calls her. It is Dorothy, who is in the tower, but the door is bolted, so she can’tn get in. Then Justice feels a blow to her head and passes out. When she comes to, she sees a face hovering over her. It is Matron, who tells them that she was around when she saw Justice. In the end, Justice realises that Matron is the murderer, and the woman finally confesses everything. Matron had a daughter, Dyllis, who was a pupil at the school fifteen years ago. One afternoon Dyllis and Serna, Rose’s mum, got lost in the area. It was a foggy day, and Miss Thomas found Serena, but she gave up on Dyllis, who was found dead in a ditch.

Matron says that when she got the job in the school, she was quite happy, and then she found that old report about her daughter. She says that Mary was stupid and discovered the report, so she got rid of her. Then she killed Miss Thomas, and her next objective was Rose because her mother survived when her daughter. However, she confused Helena with Rose, and she hit her on the head. Now she also confesses that she has left Rose on ice.

Then Hutchins, the caretaker, appears and he gets the girls out of the turret and they rush to rescue Rose from the icehouse. When they manage to get her out, Justice faints. When she comes to, her father is there. He says that Miss De Vere radioed him, and Justice realises that a radio is what she saw Miss De Vere and Mr Pierre transport. Matron is now in custody of the police. Her dad tells Justice that Miss De Vere was being blackmailed by Miss Thomas because she once stood trial for murdering her husband. Miss De Vere was found innocent, but she was afraid that parents wouldn’t take their children to a place run by a woman involved in murder. Now everything is in the open.

Justice goes back home for the Christmas holidays, and her father says that he knows she can take care of herself, so she can go to the day school. This is what Justice has wanted since she was sent to boarding school. However, she realises that in that case she will miss Stella, Dorothy, Nora, Eva and even Rose, so she decides that she will return to the boarding school.

This is a book for children, but even so, I enjoyed it greatly. I loved little Justice and all her friends.

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