The Telling Error 3 (Pages 203 – 374)


Nikki is getting caught in her own lies. When she decides to tell her husband, Adam, that she was unfaithful, she is not totally honest. What she tells him is that she had a brief cyber affair with Gavin, but nothing happened. She doesn’t mention King Edward or the story about the hotel in London. We also learn that she had two one-night stands at the beginning of her marriage, which is what Melissa, Lee and her parents know, so she hopes that when her parents mention her unfaithfulness, they won’t be too explicit.

Adam does not get angry or upset when Nikki tells him about the affair, and then they go to talk to the police. Charlie questions her, and Nikki tells her about the affair with Gavin and how she used to send him explicit photos of her body. What happened with the police officer is that he caught her in a supermarket car park, taking a photograph of her breasts, so she feels now mortified with shame. That is the reason why she decided to stop contact with Gavin. Then Nikki ends the interview, accusing Melissa of killing Damon Blundy.

After leaving the police, Nikki tells Adam to drop her off at the headmistress’s house because she wants to talk to her about the man who has been following her. Adam is shocked and hurt that she has not told him about the man, and Nikki reasons that she did not know she was being followed until a few days ago. She even thinks that the man is following instructions of her parents or Melissa and Lee.

At the headmistress’s house Nikki gets disappointed. Her hope was for her and Kate to bond and become friends, but Kate says that they can’t socialise outside the school because she is the mother of two pupils, and she is involved in a police investigation. Nikki feels hurt because she has nobody to talk to, so she sends an email to Gavin, knowing that he and King Edward are one and the same. She gets an email from King Edward, saying that she should go to the same hotel as the last time, and she should wear a blindfold. He claims that he will tell her who killed Blundy, but it wasn’t him. From her accounts of the past we know that after the fiasco in the hotel in London, Nikki demanded to know who had been in the room with her. King Edward told her that it had been him, but he confessed that he wasn’t Damon Blundy but he wasn’t ready to tell her his name.

I don’t know who killed Damon. Apart from Nikki’s family circle there are other suspect. There is Bryn Gilligan, an athlete who Damon mentioned in his article in connection with his transgression by taking performance-enhancing drug. There is also Kieran Holland, a journalist, who Blundy attacked viciously in his articles as well as a novelist, Reuben Tasker. Another renowned figure Damon attacked was an MP, Paula Riddiough, but the police think that Paula and Blundy had an affair, so this is quite strange. Apart from these people, Simon is keen to follow some clue about Nikki’s alleged friend, Melissa. What he asks Charlie to find out is whether Melissa can drive or usually drives or if she has a car. I wonder what the connection between Melissa’s driving and Blundy’s murder is. Yet, we know that Simon’s hunches always lead to the truth, and maybe Nikki’s accusations against her sister-in-law are not as senseless as they seem.

Apart from the crime, there seems to be something with Gibbs and Olivia. Apparently, they need to tell Charlie and Simon something, and Olivia is stalling. Gibbs and Olivia are still having an affair even though Olivia is now married and Gibbs is still married and has two twin daughters. I am curious to know what they need to tell Charlie and Simon.

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