The Dead Shall Not Rest – Characters


These are the characters in this book for future reference:

Regular characters

  • Dr Thomas Silkstone (25) is an American surgeon who went to London to study medicine. His mentor is Dr William Carruthers, and when the man went blind, he took over his practice and now shares lodgings with him. Thomas is one of the best in his profession. Thomas is in love with Lydia Farrell, who she helped in the last book. In this book they have problems because Lydia is afraid to tell him something about her past. In the end, Lydia and Thomas manage to sort out things when she tells him everything.
  • Lady Lydia Farrell is a young upper-class lady. She fell in love with Thomas Silkstone when she hired himto look into her brother’s death. Lydia was married to Captain Michael Farrell. Her mother did not approve of the man at the time so Lydia and Michael eloped, but the marriage was never a bed of roses. He had a temper and was a womaniser. Michael was murdered when Thomas was investigating Lydia’s brother’s murder. In this book Lydia tries to kill herself because she fears she and Thomas have no future. Her brother’s godfather wants her to marry him, and she knows he still has influence in the decisions of the estate. Apart from that, Lydia is afraid to tell Thomas something of her past. She got pregnant after she and Michael eloped, and Michael brought Dr Hunter to abort the child. However, he was not successful, and she had a son. However, some days later she was told that the baby had died, but in some papers in Michael’s desk she discovered that Michael had hired a wet nurse, and she found out that her son hadn’t died and was sent to the workhouse. When Lydia and Thomas talk, he tells her that he is going to help her find her son.
  • Dr William Carruthers is Thomas’s mentor. When he went blind, Thomas took over his practice, and now they share lodgings.
  • Sir Theodosius Pettigrew is a close friend of Lydia’s. Actually, she feels Lydia is the daughter he never had.
  • Lady Harriet Pettigrew is Sir Theodosius’s wife.
  • Hannah Lovelock is Lydia’s maid. Several years ago she lost her daughter when she drowned in the river. In reality she committed suicide after finding out she was pregnant with Edward’s child.
  • Jacob Lovelock is Hannah’s husband, and he is also a servant for the Farrells.
  • Howard is the Farrells’ butler.
  • Mistress Firebrace is the the Farrells’ housekeeper.
  • Amos Kidd is the Farrells’ gardener.
  • Eliza Appleton is Lydia’s maid, and she and James Lavington had an affair.
  • Mistress Claddingbowl is Lydia’s cook.
  • Franklin is Thomas’s albino pet rat.
  • Mistress Finesilver is Thomas’s housekeeper.
  • Sir Montagu Marthus is Edward’s godfather. He is not a very nice character, and in this book he comes to Lydia intending to persuade her to marry him.
  • Edward Crick (21) was Lydia’s brother, who was killed by his own mother because she realised that he was a cruel, despicable person. kill him.
  • Captain Michael Farrell was Lydia’s husband.
  • James Lavington was Michael’s friend and they used to be together in the army. James murdered Michael in revenge for causing his disability. When Thomas discovered that Lavingon killed Michael, Lavington tried to escape and Thomas found him dead. He had been murdered by Francis Crick, who wanted Lydia for himself.
  • Lady Felicity Crick was Lydia and Edward’s mother.
  • Francis Crick was Lydia’s cousin. Francis killed Lavington, and when he was found, he was arrested and sentenced to death.

Characters in this book:

  • Charles Byrne (21) is the Irish giant who is the main issue in this novel.
  • Count Josef Boruwlaski is the dwarf nobleman who helps Charles to make money by displaying himself in London. At the end of the book Josef was a traitor, who used Charles for his own interests. He had a deal with John Hunter: he would help Hunter to get Charles’s body and he would forfeit Josef’s body.
  • Dr John Hunter is an anatomist, and he has a collection of human parts in jar. His desire is to have Byrne’s body when he dies, and he manages to do that with some unethical methods.
  • Emily O’Shea is Count Josef’s maid, and she grows fond of Charles. She and Charles are sweet on each other, and she is almost the only person who grieves for him when he dies.
  • Giles Carrington is John Hunter’s disciple. He has a grudge on his mentor because he feels his father died because of him. So Carrington pays to have Capelli killed so that John Hunter could be incriminated and charged with murder. When Thomas finds the truth, Carrington tries to escape, resulting in his falling off a horse and dying.
  • Leonardo Moreno is a castrato who used to be a great singing figure. He introduces Carlo Capelli to the London public. When Carlo is murdered, he is charged with murder and sent to prison.
  • Carlo Capelli is the castrato who is murdered.
  • Francois Dubois is the barber who murdered Capelli under the orders of Carrington.
  • Jean Paul Dubois is the barber’s son, and he also took part in the murder.
  • Marie Dubois is Francois’s daughter, and since she works in the hotel where Capelli was staying, she let her father and brother in that night.
  • Lady Marchant is Sir Theodosius’s sister.
  • Rupert Marchant is Theodosius’s nephew and the lawyer who Lydia talks to on behalf of Byrne so that he can help get him a pardon for his father. Thomas does not like him at all because Rupert has no compunction in showing his appreciation for Lydia. He is also the prosecutor at the trial in which Leonardo is tried.
  • Ben Crouch and Jack Harnett are the two resurrectionists working for Hunter.
  • Sir Peregrine Crisp is the coroner in the case of Capelli’s murder
  • Mistress Goodbody is Emily’s grandmother. She claims to have divining powers, and she start talking about a tall man coming from the sea. Emily discovers that the count paid her to spread the news of the giant for his own gain.
  • Mad Sam O’Shea is Emily’s father. He is a drunkard, but he helps Charles Byrne in his desire to be buried in the sea. The problem is that he and his friends were drunk, and Hunter’s thugs used the opportunity to steal the body.
  • Sir Oliver de Vere is the newly appointed director of the hospital, and he plots against John hunter with other doctors.
  • Anne Hunter is John Hunter’s wife.
  • Nurse Pring is the nurse that Thomas hires to look after Lydia when she is recovering from her attempt against her life.
  • Sir Tobias Charlesworth is a doctor who dies of a heart attack. John Hunter takes his heart for his collection.

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