All Grown Up 2(Pages 53 – 63)


I think that Andrea has many issues. Her drinking, drug-taking and promiscuity hide a terrible pain. I don’t know if it is her father’s death or something else, but I think that her problems are grounded in the past. She goes to a therapist several times a year under duress, but she always cries there. All Andrea knows is that she feels adrift and has no idea what she wants or where she should go.

Indigo, one of her best friends, has a baby, and it takes her ages to visit her because she dislikes children. She also has a strange theory about visiting babies, because she thinks it is the end of friendship. In any case, when she goes to see Indigo, she starts talking about visiting her therapist and how she feels unable to have a proper relationship, and she finds herself crying again. Then when Indigo asks her to hold the baby, Andrea feels a great tenderness towards the baby in her arms.

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